Earth's Creation USA #1 Rated USA Supplement Manufacturer & Vitamin Supplier

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Melatonin 3 mg with B-6 Sublingual Mint Flavor

Melatonin is a natural hormone that helps maintain the internal clock of the body, also known as circadian rhythm. Taking melatonin as a supplement will help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep during the night.*

Bladder Care

Tackle the problem and embarrassment of an overactive bladder with Bladder Care. Special proven ingredients help relieve the cause and symptoms of urinary incontinence.*


A synergistic herbal formula to clean and enhance the immune system. The best and most effective ingredients combine to cleanse your body.*

Co-Q 10 30 mg

Coenzyme Q10 is an essential component of cells and is necessary for mitochondrial energy production. Years of research has shown that CoQ10 supports healthy cardiovascular and immune system functions in additions to its vital role in energy production.*

Coq10-50 MG

CoQ10 preforms a variety of functions, including helping to maintain a healthy heart, providing energy, and acting as an antioxidant.*

GrapeFruit Diet

Earth’s Creation’s Grapefruit Diet is a perfect natural supplement to spur weight loss and increase your metabolism. It’s active ingredients all have had success in clinical trials suggesting that they help lower your body weight and speed up your metabolism.*

Virgin Organic Coconut Oil

Long a dietary staple of the people of Asia, Africa, and the Pacific Islands, coconut oil has been used for both food and health care. It is a natural oil, lower in calories than most other oils.*


DHEA is a hormone the adrenal glands produce which leads to the production of estrogen and testosterone. DHEA may promote sugar metabolism to energy and possibly help with coping with stress and improving the quality of sleep.*

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